

Proposed St Patricks Plains Wind Farm layout finalised

spp transmission

The layout for the proposed St Patricks Plains Wind Farm, located south east of Miena in the Midlands Renewable Energy Zone T3, has been finalised. The project is located adjacent to the main north-south transmission corridor between Hobart and Launceston.

47 wind turbines are proposed across a number of rural properties. The project will connect via a new substation to the on-site Palmerston to Waddamana powerlines owned by TasNetworks. Electricity will then be transmitted both north and south depending on the network needs, allowing hydro power generators to ramp down and save water during windy periods.

The planned noise assessment briefings are postponed for the time being due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. The noise briefings will be with an independent specialist from Marshall Day Acoustics and tailored sessions will be held for residents and property owners located to the east and west of the site in Flintstone, Arthurs Lake Road, Wilburville, Shannon and Penstock.

To register your interest in attending a briefing, contact the project team [email protected]. New dates and details will be advertised when confirmed and registered attendees will be notified directly.

The latest project update is focused on noise assessment information and includes details about the noise assessment process, noise limits, compliance and monitoring, wind farm noise and human health, and a map of the noise contours showing maximum noise levels at the site.

You can read the project update here

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