

Regional employment trials


More jobs and better jobs for the Cradle Coast region.

Working with Member Councils this project provided employability skills training to 70 jobseekers from the Cradle Coast Region, with 19 of them participating in work experience placements with Member Councils.

Highlights and outcomes

• Training and work placements completed.
• Member Councils supported the project with work experience placements, training, and guest speakers.
• Two participants gained employment and have started working at Latrobe/Kentish Council.
• Several other participants who completed work placements with Member Councils have been offered further employment.
• Other participants are considering studying at TasTAFE or similar.
• Workforce development is a huge challenge for our Member Councils, and engaging local people is a key strategy moving forward.
• Another fantastic example of Councils working together, allowing them to model best practice in the community.

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