Little Penguin Habitats Guidelines


Guidelines for works in, and management of, Little Penguin habitats.
By Perviz Marker, Anna Wind and Eric Woehler. May 2024.

To undertake works of any description in Little Penguin habitat, it is important to understand why, how, and what needs to be done to maintain and protect Little Penguins nesting and moulting habitats. The ‘Guidelines for works in, and management of, Little Penguin habitats‘ is a significant update and revision from the earlier Guidelines for Works in areas of Little Penguin Habitat (Marker and Wind 2008). It draws on more than a decade of research, knowledge, and management of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) in Tasmania.

This document provides current guidelines for best practice in mitigating threats and maintaining habitat for Little Penguins.

The document has been reviewed by NRE and CAS and has their support.

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