Our Board

Working together to make the Cradle Coast even better

The Cradle Coast Authority (CCA) Board is responsible for the CCA’s strategic direction, financial management, the appointment of advisory committees and other duties as set out in the Rules.

The Hon. Sid Sidebottom

The Hon. Sid Sidebottom

Chair, Cradle Coast Authority

Peter Voller

Peter Voller

Chair, Regional NRM Committee

Barbara Hingston AM

Barbara Hingston AM

Chair, Regional Economic Development Commitee

Cheryl Fuller

Cheryl Fuller

Mayor, Central Coast Council

Shane Crawford

Shane Crawford

General Manager, Waratah Wynyard Council

Gerard Blizzard

Gerard Blizzard

Mayor, Circular Head Council

Sheree Vertigan AM

Sheree Vertigan AM

Chief Executive Officer, Cradle Coast Authority

Matthew Greskie

Matthew Greskie

 Independent Director

John Dowling B.Pharm FCPA FAICD FACP

John Dowling B.Pharm FCPA FAICD FACP

Independent Director

Our Councils

Cradle Coast Authority unites 8 of north-west and western Tasmania's councils through strategic collaboration, fostering regional development, and ensuring a collective voice for shared goals and prosperity.