NRM Projects
Maintaining our natural environment and supporting sustainable agriculture.
Current NRM Projects & Initiatives
Explore Our Ongoing Projects Protecting and Enhancing Cradle Coast’s Natural Resources.
Land Projects
Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF)
The Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF) is a designated central contact point for farmers, landholders, industry, and community groups and will aim to: Engage and inform farmers, landholders, community groups, and agriculture industries within their NRM region...
Smallholder Property Management Planning (PMP) Program
Delivering a range of practical engagement activities, this project will support small landholders in our region to improve skills, knowledge and engagement in natural resource management and associated networks. Enhancing their capacity to be able to make more...
Tasmanian Soil Extension Program
The statewide NRM Soil Extension Program will deliver extension activities that promote improved soil health. A series of workshops, field days and one-on-one support will be available to increase farmers awareness and knowledge on a range of relevant soil and land...
Water Projects
Maugean Skate Recovery – Healthy Harbour Project
This project will deliver urgent recovery actions required to reduce the Maugean Skate (Zearaja maugeana) extinction risk. The Healthy Harbour project team will continue to collaborate with the Strahan and West Coast communities to improve public understanding and...
Celebrating the coastal wetlands of Circular Head
This project aims to showcase the unique beauty of the Robbins Passage – Boullanger Bay tidal wetlands while highlighting the immense ecological, economic and social value of this place for the Circular Head community and further afield. The project builds on years of...
Biodiversity Projects
Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery – Part 2
This project builds upon our previously funded Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery Project (Part 1). Part 2 will focus on six priority areas critical to the ongoing survival of Tasmania’s iconic, endemic Giant Freshwater Crayfish (Astacopsis gouldi). Project actions...
Emergency Preparedness and Response Project
The Cradle Coast region is facing increasing challenges from natural disasters and extreme weather events, ranging from bushfires to flash floods, and emergency biosecurity incursions. These events not only threaten human lives, property, and food supply but also have...
Community action for King Island Scrubtit and King Island Brown Thornbill protection
This project will implement actions across King Island to protect the habitat of two priority, critically endangered species, the King Island Brown Thornbill and King Island Scrubtit. Project actions will build the capacity of landholders and community groups on King...
Creating a Hooded Plover Stronghold on Three Hummock Island
This project is working to create a stronghold for the Hooded Plover (Thinornis rubricollis), a priority threatened species, on Three Hummock Island. Activities are designed to reduce the key threat to Hooded Plovers, namely pest animal (feral cat) predation. The...
Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP)
Tasmanian Cat Management Project is an initiative to support the implementation of the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan and improve domestic and stray cat management across Tasmania. Key to the project is a network of three regional cat management coordinators hosted at...
Stakeholder Engagement Projects
Explore Our Stakeholder Engagement Projects Protecting and Enhancing Cradle Coast’s Natural Resources.
Community NRM Engagement Program
This program will raise awareness of NRM priorities as they relate to our 2030 NRM Strategy for Cradle Coast Tasmania and improve the profile of our existing NRM projects to encourage participation. The project will also support a well-informed and resourced network...
Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund
The State Government’s Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund (WAF) provides important funds for farmers and other community organisations to tackle weeds impacting valuable agriculture and environmental assets. CCNRM have partnered with NRM North and NRM South to deliver Stage...
Completed NRM Projects & Initiatives
Explore Our Ongoing Projects Protecting and Enhancing Cradle Coast’s Natural Resources.
Cradle Coast Cat Tracker
Have you always wondered where your cat goes when you see them leaving the house in the morning? At least 70% of cat owners allow their cat to roam away from their property, but do we really know where these cats go once, we open the door? The Cradle Coast Cat Tracker...
Coastal Saltmarsh Recovery in Robbins Passage and Surrounds
Summary Improving the condition and the long-term protection of the Coastal Saltmarsh Threatened Ecological Community by targeting the primary ecological threat of Rice Grass and through brokering and establishing conservation agreements with landholders to maintain...
Rice Grass Removal from the Rubicon-Port Sorell Estuary
Summary Improving the condition and the long-term protection of Coastal Saltmarsh and feeding habitat for migratory and resident birds, by targeting the primary ecological threat of Rice Grass through control and containment. Project description This project will...
Community Projects
DURATION: Ongoing The community NRM Engagement Program strives to maintain relationships, networks and capacity for NRM across the region beyond currently funded projects; to educate and engage the broader community in natural values, natural resource protection and...
Circular Head Roadkill Mitigation Working Group
Cradle Coast NRM is a key stakeholder in a working group established to reduce the number of Tasmanian Devils killed on the roads of the Woolnorth area. The primary focus is on strategies to increase driver awareness and reduce speed in the Woolnorth area, as the most...
Production systems approach to soil ecological restoration: Building healthy, productive, and climate resilient soils using cover crops and multi-species pastures.
Project Officers are working with producers from Simplot and Greenham Tasmania Pastoral to showcase the use of cover crops in intensive horticulture and multi-species pastures in beef cattle production. Project contact: Ben Correy, Project Coordinator...
Maugean Skate – Zearaja maugeana
Maugean Skates are Tasmania’s largest endemic fish growing up to 750 mm from tip of snout to end of tail. They are listed as one of the State’s most ‘endangered’ marine species which means that there aren’t many of them left in the world and they face a very...
Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery- Part 1
This project is protecting and improving priority stream habitat for the highly valued and vulnerable Giant Freshwater Crayfish. Working with landholders to establish conservation agreements and undertake riparian protection and rehabilitation works, the project is...
Coastal Saltmarsh Recovery in Robbins Passage and Surrounds
Robbins Passage – Boullanger Bay includes the largest wetland complex in Tasmania (28,000 ha) and provides habitat for the largest aggregation of migratory birds in the state including more than 20 species of trans-continental migratory waders. Coastal Saltmarsh, a...
Maugean Skate Awareness Project
This project will focus on raising community awareness of the Maugean Skate and highlight the many challenges that this endangered species faces. Cradle Coast NRM is working with species experts from Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Department of Natural...
Protecting our productive soils
This project is about taking landholders through the process of change management, to better manage the threat of hillslope erosion by water and soil acidification to our productive soils. Beginning with increasing awareness and knowledge, the process then follows...
Little Penguin Habitats Guidelines
Guidelines for works in, and management of, Little Penguin habitats.By Perviz Marker, Anna Wind and Eric Woehler. May 2024. To undertake works of any description in Little Penguin habitat, it is important to understand why, how, and what needs to be done to maintain...
Urgent Recovery Actions for Maugean Skate
Urgent recovery actions are being implemented to reduce the species’ imminent risk of extinction, guided by the National Recovery Team for the Maugean Skate chaired by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Tasmania (NRE Tas). Cradle Coast NRM’s current...
Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator
Funded through the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment, the RALF is a central contact point for farmers in our region to help increase their knowledge and skills on the path to adopting practices which will help improve farm...
Online Property Management Planning (PMP) Climate Change Module
This online module provides information to farmers and landholders about options to consider to build resilience into their farming system to better adapt to farming under a changing climate PROJECT OFFICER Dr Tom O’MalleyRegional Agriculture Landcare FacilitatorE:...