Regional Economic Development Committee
CCA leads Regional Economic Development Committee to advocate for regional industry and infrastructure needs.
Our Regional Development work is guided by the Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) which is a sub-committee of the Cradle Coast Authority Board. The Committee’s role is to think and act regionally in developing the capability and capacity of the Region’s resources, including renewables, critical minerals, agriculture, advanced manufacturing, and, of course, improving the region for its people through a focus on health, housing and transport.

Committee Members
Chair Barbara Hingston AM
Jim Ertler
Managing Director
Premium Fresh Tasmania
Nicci Skerl
The Smith Family
Luke Sayer
State Growth
Professor Sonya Stanford
Pro-Vice Chancellor
(Cradle Coast) UTAS
Vonette Mead
Owner and Manager
Mead Con
Adrian Beswick
Principal Officer – North West
Department of Health – Tas
Brendan Fielding
Business Development Manager
Fluid Power Services
Ian Jones
Business North-West
Jess Jansz
Savant Australia
Cyndia Hilliger
Waterfront Wynyard & Coastal Pods
Annie Gatenby
North West Coordinator
Regional Development Australia – Tasmania