Macquarie Harbour (including Gordon, Franklin and King Rivers)
Macquarie Harbour: vast estuary, aquaculture hub, faces waste pollution, requires ongoing cleanup.
Situated on the West Coast of Tasmania, Macquarie Harbour is approximately 315 km2 in size and is fed by freshwater, largely from the Gordon and King Rivers.
Having a relatively narrow entrance to the ocean, Macquarie Harbour is one of the largest salt-wedge estuaries in the world.
It is a significant asset which is a focus for commercial aquaculture and local and international tourism.
The harbour is impacted by historic and ongoing inflow of waste materials and litter from urban and commercial sources.
Community and industry interest and action to reduce and remove waste streams from the harbour are ongoing and existing partnerships support prioritisation for action under this strategy.
By 2030, community and industry engagement has resulted in increased understanding of the natural values and condition of Macquarie Harbour compared with 2020 levels.
Local threats that can be addressed by NRM actions:
- Poor water quality and river health
- Biodiversity and habitat loss
- Biosecurity, introduction and spread of pest species and disease to marine areas
- Threat of contamination of an important harbour for aquaculture and natural values
Investment Opportunity
- Australian Government
- Tasmanian Government
- Regional or Local
- Private or philanthropic
Potential Delivery Methods
- Information gathering activities including a review of Maugean Skate research and programs that relate to Macquarie Harbour
- Policy and planning activities such as supporting Macquarie Harbour industry and community representatives to maintain a stakeholder group and program of activities to improve the natural values of the harbour and surrounds.
- Behaviour-change and capacity-building activities such as citizen science supporting research, extension and education activities about the natural values of Macquarie Harbour and its catchment.
Potential collaborators
Opportunity for Community Participation
Citizen science, educational activities, marine debris clean-ups and similar community-led activities.
Lead community engagement activities and develop a partnership program with harbour-based industries that aims to identify and manage local threats, and promote Macquarie Harbour’s natural values, condition, and improvement.
Raise awareness of the ecology, habitat, threats to, and potential management actions for, the Maugean Skate.