Stakeholder Engagement

integrate Land, Biodiversity, and Water, highlighting community involvement, proactive stakeholder engagement, and strategic planning to address future environmental opportunities and challenges.

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Cross-themed NRM Projects

Our cross-themed projects integrate elements from our key themes: Land, Biodiversity, and Water.

These initiatives not only highlight our community involvement but also demonstrate our proactive approach to stakeholder engagement and strategic planning and the management of potential environmental opportunities and challenges in the future.

Stakeholder Engagement Projects & Initiatives

Community NRM Engagement Program

This program will raise awareness of NRM priorities as they relate to our 2030 NRM Strategy for Cradle Coast Tasmania and improve the profile of our existing NRM projects to encourage participation.  The project will also support a well-informed and resourced network...

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Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund

The State Government’s Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund (WAF) provides important funds for farmers and other community organisations to tackle weeds impacting valuable agriculture and environmental assets. CCNRM have partnered with NRM North and NRM South to deliver Stage...

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