

Applicants sought for new role to help shape Regions future


The Cradle Coast Authority (CCA) is seeking applications for the Chairperson of a new Regional Economic Development Steering Group (REDSG) which will oversee implementation of the Cradle Coast Regional Futures Plan. The Chairperson will also become a Director of the Cradle Coast Authority.

This new approach has received strong support from state and local government, with the Premier recently committing $300,000 and councils agreeing to make their staff available to work on Futures Plan projects. A mainland university has also funded a PhD position to support the work of the REDSG.

“Our region has much to offer,” said Sid Sidebottom, Chairman of the CCA Board.
“We can achieve this by working together at all levels, most especially to consolidate and grow our economy, jobs, and potential,” Mr Sidebottom said.

Cradle Coast Authority CEO, Daryl Connelly said: “This is very exciting role at a very exciting time. There is widespread acceptance that a different, less disjointed approach to regional economic development is needed, and the Futures Plan has received great support across industry, government and the university sector.

“We hope to attract an experienced and highly regarded business-person who sees this as a unique opportunity to use their skills, knowledge and profile to change the future of our region.”

People who have a strong background in business and who are passionate about the Cradle Coast region, are encouraged to apply.
Applicants will need to provide a written application detailing how their relevant skills, knowledge, attributes, experience and qualifications match the position description. The role will be paid in accordance with the fees set out in the Position Description. Queries can be directed to CEO Daryl Connelly on 0488 333 893 or Chairman Hon. Sid Sidebottom on 0458 311 344.

For more information including the Position Description, please visit:

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