

CCA to develop a Master Plan for the Cradle Coast region


Cradle Coast Authority (CCA) is calling upon Braddon candidates in the upcoming State election to commit to investing in the development of a Master Plan for the region.

CCA released a State Election Priority Statement earlier this month and has received positive verbal support from both major Tasmanian political parties and Independent candidates, as well as written support from the Tasmanian Greens’ party on all of the initiatives listed.

CCA collaborates with our Member Councils to provide the best possible support. However, our current resources are limited, and we can achieve only so much.

A Master Plan would further progress our work. It will bring together current initiatives and build on the efforts of the CCA Regional Futures Plan to address healthcare, housing, transport, education, and workforce, along with emerging regional opportunities such as renewable energy developments. We understand that none of these issues occur in isolation, so we will adopt a joined-up approach to ensure a sustainable future for the region.

The goal is to make the region an attractive place to live, work, invest, learn and recreate. To achieve this, CCA urges the future government to invest in a regional deal for the Cradle Coast area.

“CCA’s seeking a similar funding deal to those on offer through the City Deals or the Regional Strategic Partnerships,” said CCA Chief Executive Officer Sheree Vertigan AM.

“While acknowledging that there has been considerable investment by Councils and past governments in the Regional Futures Plan, we need to capitalise on the growth and development in the region that has occurred if we are to ensure that we maximise the benefits,” Ms Vertigan said.

“An investment in a regional master plan would ensure that we continue to develop strategies and actions for the future sustainability of the region,” she said.

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