

CCA’s CEO attended one of a three Jobs and Skills Roundtable.


Following the release of the Jobs and Skills Summit Issues paper, CCA’s CEO Sheree Vertigan attended one of three regional Jobs and Skills Roundtable. On 18th August 2022, North West and West Coast attendees addressed our shared economic challenges.  

The challenges discussed are applicable to the Cradle Coast region; with many of them previously identified in the Regional Futures Plan and relevant to the agenda of the Regional Economic Development Committee.

Click to read the Issues Paper and the subsequent Outcomes

The CSIRO has written a once-in-a-decade report, Our Future World, which identifies seven global megatrends that hold the key to the challenges and opportunities ahead. These keys already closely align with some of Cradle Coast Authority’s vison, principles and functions and we hope to use the challenges and opportunities presented to achieve our goals.  

Further reading:

Productivity Commission Report 

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