

Cradle Coast Authority Partners with Business Incubator


The Cradle Coast Authority (CCA) has partnered with new food business incubator, Seedlab Tasmania, to support start-up agritourism, food and drink businesses in the region. The arrangement will see Seedlab Tasmania and CCA work together to deliver a number of business bootcamps and masterclasses at Smithton, Devonport and in between.

The Seedlab Tasmania project funding supports most of the costs for start-ups to be involved in the program, which will include coaching, training and workshop-style events, and CCA’s support will allow existing businesses to participate in masterclasses at an affordable price. CCA will build on the events to establish a Food Producers Network, which is an initiative of the Regional Futures Plan that was launched last year.

CCA CEO, Daryl Connelly, said that this is a continuation of work already undertaken by CCA and its Member Councils.

“The need for a Food Producers Network emerged last year when we trained local businesses in collaborative business models. Most business owners understand that collaboration can help them achieve economies of scope and scale, but small businesses in particular, struggle to find the time to lead such initiatives. CCA can play an important role in facilitating that” he said.

“This work will help see new food, beverage and agritourism businesses start up in our region and will help many existing businesses grow” said Mr Connelly.

Dr Hazel MacTavish-West, the Founder of Seedlab Tasmania, said that she is thrilled to have CCA as a partner.

“Collaboration and integration within a wider food community group like the Food Producers Network makes a lot of sense for Seedlab Tasmania, and for all involved” said Dr MacTavish-West.
Information sessions are being held in Burnie at 12pm on February 10th at UTAS Cradle Coast Campus and in Devonport at 5.30pm on February 10th, at the paranaple convention centre. For more details visit

The Seedlab Tasmania project is also supported by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science through Incubator Support initiative funding as part of the Entrepreneurs’ Programme, Woolworths, the University of Tasmania, and other Tasmanian businesses and enterprises.

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