

Register your interest in joining the TasNetworks Youth Panel


TasNetworks are forming a Youth Panel. Meeting five times from March to May 2022, the panel will work together to co-design a draft community benefits sharing program framework. Participants will be paid to attend the meetings.

Anyone who is 18-25* years of age and permanently lives in one of the following local government areas: Burnie, ​Waratah/Wynyard, Central Coast, Kentish, Meander Valley, or the Northern Midlands, is eligible to apply.

The Panel will be tasked with co-designing a draft North West Transmission Developments community benefits sharing framework. Community benefits sharing is an approach to major infrastructure projects that supports the delivery of community benefits in recognition of the project’s impacts. It provides an ongoing and sustainable positive legacy for the community and demonstrates a long-term commitment to impacted communities.

Applications close at 11:59pm Sunday 20 February 2022.

To find out more, including how to apply, head here

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