

Seedlab Tasmania’s beautiful Celebration Event

Seedlab Sisters

Last month Cradle Coast Authority attended the Seedlab Sisters Cradle Coast Celebration event; what a great partnership between CCA and Seedlab Tasmania.

It was fantastic to be a part of this celebration event and support Seedlab along the way. Congratulations to all the team and participants!

“Today made a big difference to me – a real demonstration of the value of partnerships, communication, and community in fulfilling our dreams. Thank you”.

“I had a huge sense of accomplishment from listening to the participants speak on the day”.

“The program is a miraculous initiative that causes miracles for all participants, their businesses and their communities”.

“The transformation of lives, livelihoods, families, businesses, and communities was really rich. It was clear even those Seedlab Sisters who say they are at the early stages of their journey have access now to being at the source of power to create lives and businesses they love”.

This is what just some of the participants said after hearing the stories from some of the participants in the Seedlab Sisters Cradle Coast Program, as we concluded the program last week at Shelduck Farm

Professor Kate Warner, AC, gave a powerful speech talking about her own career and the goals she had had, inviting us all to challenge the status quo and use our voices to effect change.

Bootcamp participants Jacqui and Shimon flew in from King Island for the day, sharing their plans for stretch exercises for rural men. Ellie shared her vision to support women via women’s circles. Several women shared how they were now paying themselves from their business, and taking their business practices more seriously.

Each participant received a sunflower seedling, lovingly raised by the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (RTBG) especially for the day. One participant said afterwards: “I’m heading out to plant the sunflower at the top of my garden as a very visible reminder of Seedlab, and sisterhood. I’m honoured to have been at your celebration today. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of such a wonderful celebration of innovative women from across Tasmania”.

The Seedlab Sisters Cradle Coast program was supported by the Tasmanian Government Department of Communities ‘Supporting Women to Succeed’ Grant Program and Cradle Coast Authority. The project partners were Seedlab TasmaniaCradle Coast Authority and the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University of Technology.

Pics by Jess Oakenfull – Photo & Design

Read the full summary report here:  Seedlab Sisters Cradle Coast Final Summary Report Dec 2022_opt

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