

Tasmanian renewable hydrogen industry activation report released

hydrogen activiation

Renewables Tasmania has released a report on their Industry Activation Study, which sought to identify projects that can stimulate local hydrogen demand. The Tasmanian Government has approved up to $12.3 million from the $50 million Tasmanian Renewable Hydrogen Industry Development Funding Program to progress recommendations from the Study.

The study identified and assessed opportunities in the areas of transport, heating and gas blending, industrial and chemical inputs, electricity generation, by-products (oxygen), and export. Transport was recommended for early focus.

The next steps are:

1. Conduct a near-term trial of two to three hydrogen buses by Metro Tasmania for a period of up to five years, with ‘in-principle’ support for this to be delivered through an arrangement with the Blue Economy CRC for hydrogen supply (subject to agreement on a finalised project plan).

2. Develop a hydrogen truck demonstration strategy, in collaboration with the Tasmanian Transport Association.

3. Conduct a feasibility study investigating the potential for hydrogen marine vessels in Tasmania.

4. Conduct demonstrations of hydrogen trucks and hydrogen marine vessels, subject to feasibility study and strategy development findings, and available funding support.

5. Develop a hydrogen refuelling network strategy that covers Tasmania’s main population centres and freight hubs, informed by the hydrogen truck strategy, hydrogen bus trial and marine feasibility study.
6. Evaluate the potential for future use of hydrogen for heating applications through gas networks, subject to the findings of the Tasmanian Future Gas Strategy.

7. Continue working with proponents who are investigating Tasmanian hydrogen projects

You can find more information here

Image: Indicative timeline for Tasmanian hydrogen industry activation – key local demand side activities

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