Maugean Skate Awareness Project

Maugean Skate

This project will focus on raising community awareness of the Maugean Skate and highlight the many challenges that this endangered species faces. Cradle Coast NRM is working with species experts from Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Department of Natural Resources Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas) Threatened Species and Wild Fisheries Management and relevant local community and recreational fishing stakeholders.  We will use a variety of community-based activities to reach a diverse range of audiences.  Sharing the current scientific knowledge of this species in a variety of ways will ensure that more people from the West Coast and from all over Tasmania will have a much greater understanding and appreciation of this significant species.

Maugean Skates are Tasmania’s largest endemic fish and also one of the state’s most endangered marine species. These ancient Gondwanan relicts live in the tannin-stained waters of Macquarie Harbour where they have resided for countless generations.

Only Strahan locals, regular fishers in Macquarie Harbour, a handful of intrepid divers and researchers have ever encountered a Maugean Skate face-to-face. The rest of us have to rely on a handful of internet photos of these intriguing creatures.

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